What We Learn From Women’s Voices

“In Her Shoes is an astonishing archive of incarcerated women voices, giving us the rare opportunity to learn from the creative, brilliant, insightful women we meet on the screen. This film raises a fundamental question: why are women subjected to the...

Form A4Abolitionist

“For those who want to understand what the sexual abuse-to-prison pipeline looks like, watch IN HER SHOES. The women tell such different stories, but the through line is that, after becoming victims of domestic violence, marginalized women are subject to...

Texas Center for Justice and Equity

“The messaging from IN HER SHOES is critical to recognizing the common history of unaddressed trauma and harm that too often results in women’s incarceration; it is also critical to shifting the public narrative about what real justice should look like. ...


… really powerful. It’s a moving and intimate view into the lives of women who are incarcerated and the struggles they have faced and continue to confront in their lives. -Jeannine Esposito Roots&Rebound